现在想想 good entertaiment除了休息中的神话集体合约和battle之外 真的只剩空壳了
新闻还报导Good退出股市的事儿 切切 (怪不得搞小动作,鄙视INg)
Lyn单曲前两天发过了 这次是专辑 多5首歌(5还是6?瓦没数)
JJ 不要走性感路线啊!
Lyn - 实话
马上又要给Junjin写fans letter
要求要用英文写 泪 摆明欺负人家英文不好 不依啦~~
SEALED WITH A KISS - sending love letter to JJ EVENT for overseas fans
We are preparing the EVENT "Sealed with a kiss - SENDING LOVE LETTER TO JJ" for overseas fans want to send letters to Junjin in the military training camp.
As you know well, our beloved Junjin is in the military training camp.
Fans' letters full of love and encouragement will give him great solace.
Please write your letter for Junjin and send it to us via email.
We will print and send it to the military training camp with your name on the envelope so Junjin can read your letter and thank you.
1. Send your letters to xyz1979@hanmail.net from now till November 6th.
2. You can send letters as often as you want till November 6th.
3. Please write your letters in Korean or English. (you may write in Japanese or Chinese, but sometimes it cannot be printed exactly in Korea.)
4. Don't forget to write your name and address together.
5. It must be a letter, not memo; we want your letters have proper length.
Any qustions welcome.
We appreciate your love and support for Junjin as always. Thank you.