All tanks now start with the Toxin Shells upgrade.(所有坦克自动装有 Toxin Shells)
All toxins begin with the Anthrax Beta upgrade.(自动升级为 Anthrax Beta,接下来就是升级 Anthrax Gamma)
Some missiles are now toxin-tipped.(什么火箭导弹的都有一些毒料在里面)
Specialized Toxin Rebels replace the standard GLA Rebel infantry.(Toxin Rebels 代替原本的 Rebels)
These Rebels cannot be upgraded with the Booby Trap upgrade.(他们不能装上原有的 upgrade)
Other than Jarmen Kell, all camouflaged units and capabilities are unavailable for this General.(除狙击手之外,所有隐形兵型不能招募)
This General can build neither the Saboteur nor the Hijacker.
Bomb Trucks and Scud Launchers can only be loaded with toxic weapons.