Hiro Hamada is a 14-year-old robotics genius who lives in the futuristic city of San Fransokyo and spends his time participating in back-alley robot fights. His older brother Tadashi, worried that Hiro is wasting his potential, takes him to the robotics lab at his university, where Hiro meets Tadashi's friends, GoGo, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Fred as well as Baymax, a personal healthcare robot Tadashi created. Amazed, Hiro decides to apply to the school. He presents his project—microbots, swarms of tiny robots that can link together in any arrangement imaginable—at an annual exhibition to gain admission. Professor Callaghan, head of the program, is impressed, and Hiro gets in. When a fire breaks out at the university, Tadashi rushes in to rescue Callaghan, but the building explodes and both are killed. As a result of losing his brother, Hiro secludes himself from others.
One day, Hiro accidentally activates Baymax, who follows one of his microbots to an abandoned warehouse. There, the two discover that someone has been mass-producing Hiro's bots; they are attacked by a masked man who is controlling the bots. Realizing this man has stolen his project, Hiro decides to catch him, and upgrades Baymax with armor and a battle chip containing various karate moves. After the masked man attacks Hiro, Baymax, GoGo, Wasabi, Honey Lemon and Fred, Hiro develops superhero suits for everyone and they form a superhero team.
The group discovers a former lab of Krei Tech, a prestigious robotics company, that was experimenting with teleportation technology. The test went awry when the test pilot vanished inside an unstable portal. The masked man is revealed to be Professor Callaghan, who stole Hiro's bots and used them to escape the fire. Realizing that Tadashi died in vain, Hiro angrily removes Baymax's healthcare chip, leaving him with only the battle chip, and orders him to kill Callaghan. Baymax almost does so until Honey manages to insert the healthcare chip back in, restoring Baymax. Angry at his friends, Hiro goes home, and breaks down when Baymax asks him if killing Callaghan will make him feel better. To soften Hiro's loss, Baymax plays multiple humorous clips of Tadashi running tests on him during Baymax's development. Hiro realizes that killing Callaghan is not what Tadashi would've wanted and makes amends with his friends.
The group discovers that the test pilot was Callaghan's daughter Abigail; Callaghan is seeking revenge on Alistair Krei, the president of Krei Tech, whom he blames for his daughter's death. The team destroys the microbots, but the portal remains active. Baymax detects life signs of Abigail, and he and Hiro rush in to save her. On their way out, Baymax's armor is damaged and he realizes the only way to save Hiro and Abigail is to propel them back through the portal with his rocket fist. Hiro refuses to leave him, but Baymax insists until Hiro tearfully gives in. Hiro and Abigail make it back, while Callaghan is arrested.
Sometime later, Hiro discovers Baymax's healthcare chip (which contains his entire personality) clenched in his rocket fist. Delighted, he rebuilds Baymax and they happily reunite. The six friends continue their exploits through the city, fulfilling Tadashi's dream of helping those in need.
During the end credits, it is shown through newspaper headlines that Hiro has been awarded a grant from the university and a building is dedicated to Tadashi. In a post-credits scene, Fred accidentally opens a secret door in his family mansion and finds superhero gear inside. His father, a retired superhero arrives, stating that they have a lot to talk about as they embrace.
後感 :
這部戲的名字我想對誰都不算陌生 , 從一開始各家電影院都打著"blockbuster"的名堂幫它進行一連串的宣傳活動 。DISNEY一直以來都不吝嗇于做任何的宣傳來讓旗下的作品成為主流 , 現在吹捧得蠻厲害的便是《CINDERELLA》吧。Director方面有Chris Williams (在FROZEN一劇裡面 , 他是Oaken的配音員) 和 Don Hall。
《BIG HERO 6》的題材不算新穎 。它的細節部分有許多跟其他DISNEY作品成了交疊的狀況 。首先說說Baymax (那隻機器人) 。Baymax是被Hiro Hamada的哥哥 —— Tadashi Hamada發明的"機器人醫生"。Tadashi在Baymax的晶片裡面加載了無數個醫學知識 。好讓Baymax每次啟動的時候都會重複一句 : "Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion." Baymax的出場讓許多人都想到了2013《FROZEN》裡面的Olaf 。它們都是以樂觀、偉大的方式出現在電影裡面 。這種聯想會如此凸冗 , 大概原因就是因為兩部電影相隔的時間並不長 , 差不多接近一年而已 。在《FROZEN》熱潮還沒完全淡化的同時 , Baymax的出現順理成章成了很大的焦點 。甚至有人說Baymax就很像《WALL-E》因為它們同是機器人 , 而同時有著《LILO & STITCH》的影子 , 因為它們都是被有目的性地研發出來 。
一部電影的齒輪被"仇恨"所牽連 。若不是Callaghan的仇恨 , Tadashi就不會犧牲 。而更可笑的是 , Tadashi是因為要救Callaghan所以才會死的而且Callaghan的仇恨根本只是因為放不下 , 而他的女兒根本沒有死 。生命或許就是這樣 , 有太多想不清楚的巧合和無奈 。在Hiro想要救Callaghan的女兒的時候 , 他的戰友每個都阻止他 , 他卻說了當時Tadashi對他說的那句話 "Someone is in there, someone need to help." 結果他必須要犧牲掉Baymax。當時 , Baymax就好像平常它要停止運行的時候 , 說 : "Are you satisfied with your care ? I cannot deactivate until you say "I am satisfied with my care". "好吧 .... 我承認我又飆淚了 。 Hiro一直不願意犧牲Baymax因為他不想栽失去任何一人了 。然而礙於生存 , 他必須要放棄 。同樣也是因為Tadashi曾經叫Hiro要學會從不一樣的角度去看待一件事 , 因此每個人才能夠脫險 。Hiro抱著他為Baymax所做的手套回家時 .... 好吧 , 這裡是結局了 。我再說就劇透到太嚴重 。(這句話會不會太遲才說呢 ?)
語錄 :
1. I will always be with you. —— Baymax
2. People keep saying he's not really gone, as long we remember him. But it still hurts. _ Hiro Hamada
3. We didn't set out to be superheroes but life doesn't always go as planned. _ Hiro Hamada
4. You need to look at it from a different angle. _ Takashi Hamada
5. I'm not giving up on you. You don't understand this yet, but people need you. _ Takashi Hamada
6. Nothing great comes from easy. _ Callaghan
7. It's alright to cry. Crying is a natural response to pain. _ Baymax
Man of Tai Chi stars martial artist Tiger Hun Chen – a stunt performer on Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and The Matrix sequels – as a deadly fighter, who catches the eyes of an unscrupulous fellow (Keanu Reeves) who makes his living in the dangerous world of underground Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) tournaments. Chen, as the protagonist, thrives at his new profession, thanks to his deadly skills in the arena and (not so) deeply buried bloodlust – but can he step away from this world, before he abandons his morals and honor completely?
Reeves is making his directorial debut with Man of Tai Chi, which is based on a script written by Michael G. Cooney (whose resume includes the video games Devil May Cry 4 and Resident Evil 6). The supporting cast include veterans of the martial arts genre, such as Karen Mok (Black Mask), Iko Uwais (The Raid: Redemption) and Simon Yam (Ip Man).
The previously-released Man of Tai Chi international trailer highlighted the fighting and action sequences, but this new preview also outlines the story with greater detail (perhaps too much detail, in fact). No surprise, the martial art combat scenes look to feature excellent choreography – courtesy of master stunt coordinator Woo-ping Yuen (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Kill Bill, etc.) – and nice-and-clean cinematography, thanks to Elliot Davis (The Iron Lady).
Unfortunately, the fact that Man of Tai Chi was scripted by someone who (partly) comes from a video game background seems to show, in a bad way; that is, with regard to the plot (which appears to be a series of “boss fights”) and even lines of dialogue like Reeves shouting “Finish him!” a la Mortal Kombat-style. Similarly, while it’s a refreshing change of pace to see Reeves play the antagonist, his presence seems a bit lacking in trailer footage. [Insert your Keanu Reeves acting joke of choice here.]
In the near future, giant monsters identified as Kaijus have risen from a portal in a crevasse beneath the Pacific Ocean, resulting in a war that takes millions of lives and quickly consumes humanity's resources. To combat the monsters, a special type of weapon is designed: massive, humanoid fighting machines, known as Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are bound in a neural link which lets them share the mental strain which would otherwise overwhelm a single pilot.
The Jaeger program is initially successful in fending off Kaiju attacks and at first turns the tide of the war. However, over time, Kaijus cross through the portal at a faster rate, with each new Kaiju becoming increasingly well-adapted for fighting the Jaegers. As such, the robots become less effective, causing the now-united governments of Earth to lose faith in the Jaegers' ability to defend humanity. The Jaeger program is terminated, with resources diverted to building the "Wall of Life", a coastal fortification to protect Earth's cities. The four remaining Jaegers are redeployed to Hong Kong to defend the unfortified coastline until the wall can be completed. Stacker Pentecost, commander of the Jaeger forces, devises a plan to end the war with an illegally-acquired Russian nuclear warhead.
Pentecost approaches former pilot Raleigh Becket and convinces him to return to the program. Becket and his brother Yancy had once been pilots of Gipsy Danger and tasked with defending the Alaskan coastline. During a mission, they ignored an order and engaged a Kaiju directly. Yancy was killed while connected to his brother, traumatizing Raleigh. Upon returning to the program, Raleigh undergoes a rigorous process of testing to find a new co-pilot, since the stronger the connection between two pilots, the better their performance in battle. Raleigh demands to be partnered with Mako Mori, a test pilot whose participation Pentecost opposes, as Mako is his adoptive daughter. He eventually relents and allows her to partner Raleigh. The duo's initial test run nearly ends in disaster when Mako gets caught up in a childhood memory of a Kaiju attack; she inadvertently activates and nearly discharges Gipsy Danger's weapons system while in the hangar. The duo are withdrawn from the field indefinitely as the remaining Jaegers are tasked with fending off a double Kaiju attack. The defense of Hong Kong goes poorly, with the Kaijus quickly destroying two Jaegers and disabling a third. Pentecost has no choice but to authorize Raleigh and Mako to mount a last stand, and the duo drive off the assault.
Meanwhile, Dr. Newton Geizler—a scientist studying the Kaijus—assembles a machine allowing him to establish a mental link with a Kaiju brain fragment in the way Jaeger pilots connect with one another. The experience nearly kills him, but he discovers the Kaijus are actually artificial weapons sent to Earth as an invading force to allow their masters to colonize the planet. With Pentecost's approval, he seeks out Hannibal Chau, a major figure in the trade of illegal Kaiju parts, in an attempt to get a new Kaiju brain to repeat the experiment. Chau criticizes Geizler's foolishness in merging with the Kaiju brain, as he has now attracted their attention, and the Kaiju attacking Hong Kong are specifically seeking him. After Gipsy Danger kills the Kaijus attacking the city, Chau and his crew of poachers move in to harvest parts. Geizler realizes, too late, that the Kaiju is pregnant. Chau and his crew are attacked by the newborn Kaiju, which is unable to survive outside the womb and dies after eating Chau. Geizler and his skeptical colleague Hermann Gottlieb merge with the baby Kaiju's intact brain, where they discover the secret controlling the flow of Kaijus through the portal.
The Jaeger forces reassemble, planning to use the nuclear warhead to destroy the portal. Pentecost, revealed to have been one of the original Jaeger pilots, takes command of Striker Eureka as one of its usual pilots was injured during the defense of Hong Kong. Pentecost ventures out into the ocean depths, with Raleigh and Mako supporting him aboard Gipsy Danger. Geizler and Gottleib inform them that the portal has a fail-safe system to control the passage of Kaijus, and will only allow them entry if they can mimic a Kaiju's genetic code. Before they can process this information, they are attacked by a trio of Kaijus, including the largest Kaiju in recorded history. Pentecost detonates the warhead, destroying his Jaeger and its pilots, in order to kill the remaining Kaijus guarding the portal. Raleigh and Mako seize a Kaiju's corpse and use it to pass through the portal, intending to overload Gipsy Danger's nuclear reactor to use it as an improvised bomb. With the Jaeger critically damaged by the fight, Raleigh ejects Mako and manually overrides Gipsy Danger's safety protocols before ejecting himself. Gipsy Danger detonates on the other side of the portal, destroying it and the alien commanders, as the two pilots emerge safely on the sea's surface.
In a post-credits scene, Chau—revealed to have survived—cuts his way out of the baby Kaiju's stomach.
就如stacker說的 ( 大概 ) ——
“ today we are just believe ourself but each of one of us ”
最後就在herc聽了那個war clock下結束了這一場硬仗
常在很多戲裡看見不管一個人曾經貢獻多少 , 只要做錯一件事就會變得不再重用
就如jaegar被war of life取代
“ To fight monsters, we created monsters. ” 的故事
U.S. President James Sawyer (Jamie Foxx) is receiving controversy over a proposed peace treaty between allied countries to remove military forces from the Middle East.
John Cale (Channing Tatum) is a U.S. Capitol Police officer assigned to Speaker of the House Eli Raphelson (Richard Jenkins) after Cale saved Raphelson's nephew's life during a tour in Afghanistan. Cale is struggling to develop a better relationship with his daughter Emily (Joey King), who has a strong enthusiasm for politics. He hopes to impress her by getting a job with the Secret Service, but his hopes are dashed when the interview is conducted by Carol Finnerty (Maggie Gyllenhaal), a former college acquaintance of his who believes him to be unqualified due to a lack of respect for authority and follow-through. After lying to Emily about the outcome of the interview, she and Cale join a tour of the White House.
Meanwhile, a bomb is detonated at the center of the U.S. Capitol building. Raphelson, who was in the Capitol, remains unharmed and is taken to an underground command center with Finnerty while Vice President Alvin Hammond (Michael Murphy) is taken aboard Air Force One. The White House is put on lockdown separating Cale from Emily (who had left the tour group to use the restroom). Meanwhile, disguised mercenaries led by Emil Stenz (Jason Clarke), start killing off most of the Secret Service and take the tour group hostage, but Cale manages to take a gun and escapes a mercenary named Killick (Kevin Rankin) to go find his daughter. Following protocol, retiring Head of the Presidential Detail Martin Walker (James Woods) escorts Sawyer and his detail to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center. Once Sawyer gains access, Walker kills Sawyer's detail, revealing himself to be the real leader and his desire for revenge over his son who was killed in a botched black ops mission. Cale, who fails to find Emily, kills a mercenary and takes his gun and radio. Overhearing the radio, Cale locates and rescues President Sawyer.
Walker and Stenz bring in Skip Tyler (Jimmi Simpson) to hack into the defense system, but they still require Sawyer to activate the nuclear football. They locate the remaining presidential line of succession, kill the Secretary of Defense, and place rest of the line of succession with the hostages. Emily, while hiding, records a video of the mercenaries and uploads it to YouTube before eventually being captured. Walker demands $400 million from the Federal Reserve as ransom for the hostages. Cale and Sawyer manage to reach out to command which tells Cale to get Sawyer out through underground tunnels. At the command center, Finnerty uses Emily's video to discover the mercenaries' identities, discovering that they used to work for various government agencies and radical political groups. They also discover that Walker has an inoperable tumor, suggesting his involvement to be a suicide mission and that the attack is not for ransom. Cale and Sawyer find the tunnel gate rigged with an explosive and are forced to escape with a presidential limousine. After giving chase with Stenz on the White House lawn, Cale and Sawyer are flipped into the White House pool after Cale gets distracted by Killick holding Emily at gunpoint. A gunfight erupts which results in an explosion that leaves Sawyer and Cale presumed dead. Hammond is then sworn in as acting President.
When Cale and Sawyer reveal they are still alive, they learn Hammond has ordered an aerial incursion to take back the White House. Knowing the mercenaries have Javelin surface-to-air missiles, Cale tries but fails to stop the mercenaries from shooting down the helicopters. Cale gets into a fight with Stenz and ends up dropping his White House passes for himself and Emily while escaping. Having already learned of Emily from the video, Stenz, knowing that she is Cale's daughter, takes her to Walker in the Oval Office. Meanwhile, Tyler finishes the upload to NORAD and launches a missile at Air Force One, killing everyone on board including Hammond. Raphelson is then sworn in as acting President and reluctantly orders an air strike on the White House, which Cale is informed of.
Walker tells Cale over the White House intercom to surrender Sawyer or he will kill Emily. Sawyer ultimately surrenders himself to save Emily, knowing Cale could still save them if he was free. However, he refuses to activate the football. When Walker threatens to kill Emily again, the alarms and sprinklers are set off by Cale setting various rooms on fire. Tyler tries to escape by deactivating the bomb on the tunnel gate, but discovers that it has been tampered with so it goes off rather than disarm when he leaves. Killick finds Cale and tries to kill him, but is ambushed by Donnie the tour guide, bludgeoning Killick to death with a bronze clock. After freeing the hostages and entrusting Donnie to get them out safely, Cale is confronted by Stenz, who Cale kills with a grenade belt. Sawyer attacks a distracted Walker, who ultimately gains the upper hand and uses him to activate the football before apparently shooting him dead. Using updated launch codes received by an anonymous source, Walker targets various cities in Iran, but before he initiates the launch, Cale crashes into the office in a presidential escort vehicle and kills Walker with a minigun at the last second. When Emily is told of the air strike, she takes a presidential flag and waves it on the front lawn to get the fighters to call off the attack, which they eventually do. Sawyer is revealed to be alive, the bullet having hit a pocket watch his wife (Garcelle Beauvais) had given him, originally given to Abraham Lincoln by his wife, Mary Todd. Finnerty calls them to reveal that the mercenaries were not called in by Walker and that there is another mastermind behind the attack. Cale realizes who it is and asks Sawyer for his help in exposing the traitor.
When Finnerty arrives at the White House with Raphelson, Cale tells them Sawyer was killed. Raphelson then orders troops to be placed back into the Middle East, which would go against Sawyer's peace treaty. Cale reveals Raphelson had orchestrated the attack because of Raphelson's disagreement with Sawyer's treaty and proves it by having Finnerty call the call-back number on the pager. Sawyer then reveals himself and has Raphelson taken into custody, treating his taking of the Presidency as a coup d'état. Sawyer officially employs Cale into the Secret Service and takes him and Emily on a personalized aerial tour of Washington, D.C. on his way to the hospital. As a result of the events, the leaders of Russia, China, Israel, France and Iran agree to Sawyer's peace treaty, allowing him to bring the peace he wanted.
喜歡Cale說的 : I can’t think of a more important job than protecting the President.
我喜歡他的觀念 —— " The pen is mightier than the sword "
cale : follow what i do
james : ok , i will
cale : (一躍跳過對面 )
james : (驚訝 )i cant do that
就好像另一幕james喊 : Get your hands off my Jordans!
喜歡james說過的一句 : " I don't wanna make history, I wanna make a difference. "
Mak served in the war during the beginning of the Rattanakosin Dynasty. At war he became friends with Ter, Puak, Shin, and Aey, whose lives he saved. Once the war was over, Mak invited his four friends into his home in Phra Khanong town and introduced them to his beautiful wife Nak and his newborn baby boy Dang. A rumor was going around in the village that Nak had died giving birth to her stillborn baby, Dang. The source of this rumour; Aunty Priak, owner of local liquor store was found dead floating on the river a few days later. The four friends felt it's time to tell Mak the possibility of Nak and Dang could be dead and lingered as haunting ghosts and risk their lives. It's up to Mak to choose love or reality.
Former UN employee Gerry Lane and his family sit in heavy traffic in Philadelphia while the radio reports on a rabies outbreak that has spread internationally. They are attacked by masses of zombies, and those bitten become zombies as well. The Lanes narrowly escape and flee to an apartment complex to be extracted by a helicopter sent by Gerry's former UN colleague, Thierry.
The family reaches the helicopter and are taken to a US Navy ship off the coast of New York, where a team of analysts and military personnel are analyzing the scope of the worldwide outbreak. A virologist, Dr. Fassbach, argues that the plague is a virus, whose origin must be found in order for a vaccine to be developed. The naval commander tells Gerry that, because of his expertise as a former UN investigator, he is to investigate the virus and help Fassbach find the source of the outbreak.
Reluctantly agreeing for the sake of his family's staying on the ship, Gerry leaves on a plane for the military base in South Korea.
Arriving at the Camp Humphreys at Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do in South Korea, where the word "zombie" was supposedly first used in reference to the outbreak, they are attacked and Fassbach accidentally kills himself. At the base, Gerry learns from the commander that the zombies are attracted to noise. The commander also informs Gerry of a local who was found foaming at the mouth that bit a doctor and shows him to a room of incinerated bodies, where they, the soldiers, first saw the outbreak. An imprisoned CIA traitor tells Gerry to go to Jerusalem, where leader Jurgen Warmbrunn has established a safe zone just before the outbreak was officially acknowledged, implying Israel might have had prior knowledge.
Heading to Jerusalem, Gerry meets Warmbrunn, who explained that Israel's intelligence service, Mossad had months earlier intercepted communications from army general in India, which stated that Indian troops were fighting the "undead". With this knowledge and using a program implemented to prevent Israel being caught off guard, as in past conflicts, a quarantine is established, and they are letting uninfected civilians in. Due to loud noises coming from within the zone however, thousands of infected on the other side of the wall begin piling onto each other and climb over. Chaos erupts, and Gerry's escort soldier, Segen, is bitten. Gerry immediately cuts off her hand to prevent her from turning and they escape on a plane as Jerusalem falls to the infected.
Contacting Thierry, they are diverted to Cardiff to a World Health Organization research facility to assist in finding a cure. On the plane, a stowaway zombie attacks, resulting in Gerry throwing a grenade at the back of the plane. The explosion depressurises the cabin causing everyone to be sucked out. The plane crashes with Segen and an injured Gerry as the only survivors. The duo arrive at the facility, where Gerry deduces that the infected do not bite people who are ill and therefore unsuitable as hosts for viral reproduction. He volunteers to test a terminal but curable pathogen on himself to see if his idea works. But the wing that the pathogens are stored is filled with zombies, after one of the doctors accidentally infected himself and his colleagues. Gerry makes it into the vault with the pathogens and injects himself with one. He is able to return to the main lab due to the pathogen "camouflaging" him from the zombies. The doctors rejoice at the discovery and treat him immediately after his safe return.
Gerry returns to his family in a safe zone in Nova Scotia. A "vaccine" derived from deadly pathogens is developed that would act as camouflage for the troops battling the infected, and for fleeing civilians. The footage then shows offensives beginning; humanity now has hope, and Gerry ends the film by saying that "This isn’t the end; not even close."
喜歡裡頭的幾句話 :
1. Most people don't believe something can happen until it already has. That's not stupidity or weakness, that's just human nature.
2. This isn’t the end; not even close.
3. Be prepared for anything
4. if you can fight , fight
哈哈,我也很喜欢now you see me 这部戏
不过我蛮喜欢the four 每次巡回的时候
the four 里面我也最喜欢daniel
过后看他讲话的神情是超帅的! XD
*between,到最后我才知道dave franco (jack) 原来是 james franco的弟弟,难怪张得这么像
Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you.
But when the leaves hang trembling,
when the trees bow down their heads,
The wind is passing by.
Let the wind, carry these wings to you.
Four magicians—Daniel Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg), Henley Reeves (Isla Fisher), Jack Wilder (Dave Franco) and Merritt Osbourne (Woody Harrelson)—are brought together by a mysterious benefactor and, one year later, perform in Las Vegas as "The Four Horsemen" sponsored by Arthur Tressler (Michael Caine), an insurance magnate. During one of their performances, the Four Horsemen invite a member of the audience to help them in their next trick: robbing a bank. The man is apparently teleported to his bank in Paris where he activates an airduct which vacuums up the money and showers it onto the crowd in Las Vegas.
FBI agent Dylan Rhodes (Mark Ruffalo) is called to investigate the theft and is partnered with Interpol Agent Alma Vargas (Mélanie Laurent). They interrogate the Four Horsemen, but release them when no explanation for the theft can be found other than magic. Rhodes then meets Thaddeus Bradley (Morgan Freeman), an ex-magician who makes money by revealing the secrets behind other magicians' tricks. Bradley was in the audience and deduced that the Four Horsemen stole the money weeks before, and manipulated the audience into believing it happened in real time.
Rhodes, Vargas and Bradley attend the Four Horsemen's next performance in New Orleans. The group's finale involves them emptying Tressler's bank account and distributing it to the audience which is made up of people whose insurance claims had been denied by Tressler's company. Rhodes attempts to arrest them, but they escape with help from people in the audience that they hypnotized. An infuriated Tressler hires Bradley to expose and humiliate the Four Horsemen in their next performance. Later, while researching the Four Horsemen's background, Vargas learns about rumors of a secret society of magicians called "The Eye", and suggests to a skeptical Rhodes the case might be connected to a magician who was once exposed by Bradley, and was so humiliated that he attempted a dangerous underwater stunt and drowned.
Before the Four Horsemen's last performance in New York City, Rhodes and Vargas locate the group's hideout and confront Wilder there. He attempts to escape in a stolen car, but it flips and explodes. Rhodes and Vargas learn that the Four Horsemen are targeting a particular safe, which is under the surveillance of another FBI team which takes over the case. They intercept the safe in route to Five Points, NY, but find it empty. The ability of the Four Horseman to continually outwit the FBI leads Rhodes to suspect that there must be a fifth member of the team, potentially Vargas or Bradley.
At the final performance, Rhodes and Vargas once again attempt to apprehend the Four Horsemen, but Atlas, Reeves and Osbourne jump from the rooftop, seemingly transforming into piles of money that rain from the sky into the cheering crowd, but it turns out the money is fake. Bradley returns to his car, discovering it to be filled with the real money from the stolen safe. He is arrested by the FBI and taken to prison, where Rhodes visits him. Bradley claims he was framed and explains how the group performed the safe heist through use of mirrors. He hopes this will clear him of charges only to realize Rhodes is the fifth member, and masterminded the entire plot, though he is unable to determine why. Rhodes leaves Bradley in jail and reunites with the Four Horsemen, including Wilder, who faked his death. They are surprised to find out Rhodes is the benefactor that assembled them one year prior and are initiated into The Eye.
Rhodes later meets Vargas in France, and reveals that he is the son of the magician who drowned years ago. The plot was designed to obtain revenge on those involved: Bradley, for humiliating his father; the bank in Paris and Tressler's company, which refused to pay insurance on his father's death; and the company that produced the safe used in the trick. Due to its inferior quality of the metal in the safe it warped resulting in Rhodes' father's death. Rhodes was living in poverty until The Eye recruited him. He admits that he has fallen in love with Vargas, who decides not to turn him in.
後感 :
就覺得他走出來為每一場魔術表演打開的開場白 —— " WHAT IS MAGIC ? "
只為了向THADDEUS報仇 , 因為取代了他爸爸的位置
應了這部戲的THEME : In Now You See Me, the Closer You Look, the Less There Is
然後JACK說的 : " Nothing is ever really locked and proceeds to pick it. "
DANIEL說的魔術首要條規 : " Always be the smartest person in the room "
以及常說的 : " Abracadabra "