In 404 b.C., the entire Arctic was covered by ice. All of it? No!
An orchard, inhabited by super-vitaminized Fruits, resists the icy power of Tuber the Sorcerer!
The cruel Tuber the Sorcerer comes back from his hiding-place, the Caverns of Hammerfest,
where he has hidden for years.
Thanks to his evil plan, he has kidnapped and bewitched the very last Fruits!
Igor is a snowman who lives in the far away and cold land of Hammerfest.
This beautiful country of green hills and snow-covered mountains was
once shattered by the evil powers of Tuber the Sorcerer.
The fruits were cursed and kidnapped and Igor found himself sad and alone without his friends.
The intrepid Igor decided to go and rescue his friends the Fruits
and to destroy the evil sorcerer's plan...
雪人不能接触水果,除了它们被冻结 or 被击昏。