Kinda disappointed in some of the Mojoholics here. If we only did videos on topics we liked, you wouldn't like WatchMojo as much as you do. We cover people, topics, things, trends, subject matters that different people find interesting. Somewhere, there's a Nikki Minaj fan who was hoping we'd do this video, we did it for them... which is why we do all of our videos. After doing 100s of musical artists, we said why not. Does it mean we will do anything, no? All to say, you're welcome to dislike, criticize us and comment as you wish, but for an otherwise smart bunch of subscribers, it's just disappointing to see some (not all, for sure, and definitely a vocal minority) say what you do. Oh well, enjoy the other 4 clips today!
只是出了这两支影片就给人讲'running out of idea'...Youtube真的是好多无事生非的人呐
突然想起前阵子WatchMojo也发布了Top 10 Cheese之类的,结果dislike数量意外的高(但没超过like数量),想想也可能是上述的原因(托腮